In the university, my mentors or fellow faculty members, there was not one that was particularly outstanding. Although some were very knowledgeable, for instance, one of my colleagues at the university who was an equine surgeon, I admired the work that he did, I tried to learn some of the techniques that he utilized. The dean obviously was the one that said, “Go ahead and start building a program.” But there was no outstanding person. As far as the zoos are concerned, the people that were the current veterinarians working in zoos, and it didn’t start with me or the colleagues that I was working with, there’ve been zoo veterinarians, in fact, the first zoo veterinarian was at the London zoo in 1828 or 29. So people have been doing that. Another person, Oliver Graham Jones in London area, started working with the zoo at the London zoo. And I admired him because he was writing about it. I think another person that I’ve admired greatly, and I knew him as a person was a so-called Jim or a Harriet James Harriet.