I think that the relationship of zoos and circuses, and I appreciate the fact that there are challenges associated with it. I believe that it’s, again, an appreciation for a slightly different approach to medicine. For instance, in elephants, the use of a no contact or protected contact is con trusted with free contact. Circus elephants must be handled under free contact and circuses then take exception to the ACA’s edict, you know, that also is had, that are keeping elephants ultimately have to do it under protected contact. The circus elephants are highly trained, they respond well. I don’t think they have to be abused to be responding well, but in terms of meeting of the minds, if you will, between zoos and circuses, is just a built in prejudices of those handling procedures. I think one of the things that zoos resent is the exploitation of these animals in terms of either making them do things that they perceive they don’t do normally. For many years, zoos felt that having an elephant stand on its hind legs is not a normal behavior for elephants, but I’ve seen pictures more recently where these animals reach up by standing on their hind legs to get a morsel of food from a tree or something like that.