We always had a group of students that had selected the opportunity to do somewhat of a specialized experience with zoos. So these were motivated people, they weren’t every student in the veterinary school that came with me. Except for emergencies, there were always students, and there were always people that were interested. I didn’t have to deal with people of, “I don’t like elephants, or I don’t like this or that.” I dealt with that other students that would not be interested, for instance, if they were interested in dogs and cats, they didn’t want to have anything to do with large animals. In fact, one of our colleagues, you know, Craig Machado, actually, when he went through veterinary school, he was so focused on wild animals that he didn’t do well in some of these other courses that dealt with domestic animals. And I feel that that wasn’t the correct way to go. Well, he subsequently got into the zoo field directly because of his high motivation and he learned that. But I would contact students in this day in time and tell them first, get a broad base in veterinary medicine.