And I envied that, but we just did what we had to do. I had a technician from the university that worked with me in the program there, and he would sometimes come with me to the zoo. And that was an extremely important thing, certainly when we had to anesthetize an animal. And that was one of the reasons why essentially Bill Stamets was very happy to have us come in because he didn’t have those drugs, and I didn’t have them until I started the program, and then for many years, I was the only person that had some of the high powered stuff like Etorphine or M99. So that I was called to San Francisco, I was called Sacramento because of the fact that I had the drugs, and eventually I had the experience of using those drugs and anesthetizing animals. Now, you mentioned that there were, at the time you started, there was no curatorial staff, I assume that at some point in time during your practice, they did hire those type of professional people that were at the zoo.