Well, that’s an interesting challenge because communication is the key to success in any operation, whether it’s a zoo or a business or anything like that. And the challenge was that they weren’t communicating. A few veterinarians had met in the early 1940s at the AVMA meeting, and they shared some ideas, they talked about special challenges, they started to share case reports. But it isn’t like today where I can call somebody somewhere in the world, and within three calls, I can find out about any given animal or some experience that I need to get some information on. It didn’t exist then. So when we started having annual meetings in the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, that was the most important thing that we could do, would be to communicate. And the more effective we became in that regard, the better the profession advanced. Now the other thing that is of some concern to me is not only the communication veterinarians, but also the communication of all staff people within the zoo.