Well, each experience working with an animal added to the microchip that is part and parcel of you. And certainly I’m a very strong proponent of the concept that there is one medicine, literally, both human and animal medicine. And so what I knew about horses put me in good stead for working with other species. We didn’t do just horses, we also did some farm work with cattle and certainly over a period of years, those three years that I was in private practice, we dealt with other animals used in the movie and television industry with chimpanzees. Debra Paget had a little baby, 40-pound chimp that a bit a toe off of her child. And she asked the practice to take the teeth, the fighting teeth out of this animal. And so I did this and that was an experience that it kind of whetted my appetite for working with animals because the medicines that we use for anesthesia at that point in time, were things like phenobarbital tablets, which is a human sedative. And so I took a pill and put it in a piece of banana and gave it to the chimp, and the chimp took the piece of banana and just chomped it down pretty well.