Well, I saw a lot of animals being used in movies and they were well cared for, they’re valuable animals. You take a horse, like a falling horse where you see them get shot or something like that. And they seemingly take bad spills, but those are highly trained animals and they commanded better salaries, if you will, than a lot of the starlets because they were well-trained and they were cued. That caused some problems sometimes because at one situation that I was at, a wrangler wanting to impress one of the starlets, and so he asked her if she would like to take a ride on a horse. And he put her up on a horse, and she knew enough about riding two neck rein a horse, to change the direction of it. And unfortunately she did it, the Wrangler had put her up on a falling horse, and that is the cue for an animal to fall in a certain direction. And so that when she neck reined the horse, it went down and she wasn’t trained to go down like the wranglers where the movie stars. And so she was kinda hurt as a result of that.