And so most of my high school years, I spent working in an auto mechanic shop and an airplane engine shop, so that I had tremendous experiences with mechanics, my brother was by then a machinist, and so he had that background. I learned from him, and learned how to do things, to accomplish things. And I guess one of the things that was very important to me in my growing up years, was the fact that my mother was the hardest working person that I have ever known. She was a very small woman, very dedicated to our family, but she sometimes said the farm was the thing that kept her going, but the farm also was one of her unhappy experiences because there was never enough water to irrigate crops, it was a burdensome thing, but my mother taught me something that stayed with me throughout my life, and that’s how to work. At one occasion, it was my responsibility to milk the cows night and morning. And one morning she called me to get up and go to see to the milking. And I didn’t respond. Instead of saying, “Get up, you lazy lop.” She told me to…