Myy wife and my children are important, just as important, but you know, you do things in life that you think, you don’t forget about them, but you do forget about them, and you just, the zoo is your life, that’s all. It’s that simple. It’s seven days a week, 24/ 7, that’s all. This is like I tell anybody, it’s like, it’s like the, like a hospital, or an army or something. There is no days off. There are no days off. And so I didn’t see it that way. I just said while I’m out having fun doing this, I’m gonna just keep working. But Mel was bright enough to know, “You can’t do both Jack. “It’s a disservice to your family’s, “it’s a disservice to the zoo and whatever, you know?” So I said, “Okay, let me go out there and look around.” My wife comes home, she worked for the, for the senior citizens center in town.