The mother walks away with that first baby. Nick goes, “Jack, don’t get nervous. “If that continue to be that sack for three minutes, “you will not have a gorilla. “So I want decision now what to do. “Do you want me, you can’t go in there, “the mother’s got her baby.” I said, “Diane run around there,” Diane Fish, “run around there.” She was here over 30 years, she passed. “Run around there, Diane, and go, slam the back door, “just slam it.” And so I’m, she’s out there in less than, I’ll bet probably 30 seconds, she’s down the steps, back over there, slamming doors, throwing bananas on the floor back there. Finally the, she had the baby, she went back in there, shut the door. Nick ran in there, and it’s all video.