I said, “Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. McConnell. “I don’t blame you, this is obviously not a good idea “I’m having on doing the gorilla thing. Just forget it.” “Why, Jack? This is the coolest thing ever happened to me! “Can I have a copy of that picture? This is unbelievable. “Can we do this again?” “Yeah, but he’d eat your check. “I’m just nervous right now. He ate your frigging check.” “Jack, there’s another check, you just cancel a check.” “I know that, but that’s not the point. “This is embarrassing for me. This is unbelievable. “And plus you could’ve lost your arm.” I wasn’t thinking, I didn’t know that much about, I mean, I knew gorillas, I knew not to cross the line there, but the gorilla wanted that piece of paper. So that made him, he then became my father.