My entire zoo career at St. Louis Zoo, I had the opportunity to attend the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, their national conferences and many of the regional conferences. In fact as a curator, I served on the Board of Regents the first time with Denny Merritt and Mike McCloskey and Bill Braker and Gordy Hubbell and Bob Bean. And then my second, I went back. Then later as director, I had a second term of seven years AZA where I went up to all the offices including president from 1990, ’91. So my entire zoo career as a curator and all the way up the ladder, I was active on committee work in AZA. I was on the antivenom committee, snakebite committee. I was on the special interest committee that was dealing with the animal rights people back in those days. I don’t remember all the committees I served on, but I was active in AZA committee.