The concept of animals breeding in captivity and maintaining our population in captivity but also exhibiting ’em in more dignity in a natural environment. I had that opportunity to play a role of phasing the St. Louis Zoo out of show business. We also had more money from the Zoo Museum District. We were able to tear down the old lion house that was concrete cubicles with iron bars and replace that with Big Cat Country which was big open yards separated with a boat for lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars. So we went from show business to a naturalist environment. We began planning the Jungle of the Apes which was an outdoor exhibit for the great apes where instead of being dressed as clowns, we would have a family of chimpanzees with the male in his group of females with babies being born. People could watch their natural behavior in a natural environment. So we had also phasing out the elephant show because elephants were getting endangered in the wild, both in Africa and India.