Yes. By the way, I have to mention that while Marlin was doing Wild Kingdom, he did the intros at his studio in St. Louis, downtown St. Louis, so that we would bring baby chimpanzees, baby lion cubs. So that when he did his introduction to his commercials or introduction to the show, he was sitting at a desk and then the animals would suddenly appear on the desk. Well often I was sitting underneath the desk and someone would hand me the animal under the desk and I would have it ready to put it on Marlin’s lap. Then Marlin would put the animal was a baby chimp or baby lion. So I got a chance to work behind the scenes with Wild Kingdom. When Marlin left St. Louis, he was replaced by Bill Hoff who had started out in Lincoln Park Zoo and went from Lincoln Park to Cincinnati and Cincinnati to St. Louis. So he was familiar with Marlin Perkins and I think our zoo board thought that he was up-and-coming professional, so he was brought in as being zoo director.