Yes, absolutely. And in fact, when we had certain things that we wanted to do, we’d have a press release, we’d invite the press in and I or somebody from the board would speak if it was dealing with a political issue or if it was dealing with some animal occurrence or animals were getting in, or we even had press releases before we got the giant panda, just inform, to get them all hyped up. We did the same thing with the koala. The koala was a wonderful marketing venture. There was another marketing director I had by the name of Glen Ekey, and Glen I think wound up someplace in Florida, one of the Florida zoos. I don’t know if he’s still there or not, but we built up a hype on the pan- You know, we had a campaign that would just kind of entice, you know, we’d maybe have a few hairs of tips of the ears and we just kept building on that until, and boy, that was beautiful. I think we attracted 100,000 extra people with the koalas at that year. 100,000 extra bodies came to the zoo.