And somebody came along and was cleaning the floor and had a hot water hose and left it in the tank and killed three animals, and one of which was a male and two females, and I had one male left. So we had a breeding- We took them through different temperature periods like occurs in the wild. We dropped the temperature and then we gradually raised it. And we had them, I think in good breeding condition. And the male had set up his, we set up a den for him, and he had guarded his den and we had two females that were periodically, showed interest in going there. Then I told our keeper to be very careful, and she went in to retrieve a dead goldfish with a net and the male lunged out and bit the side of the net, and he was dead 50 hours later from septicemia, and he was the only male in the country at that time. So that shot my hopes of breeding giant- I was right on the verge, I think I could have done it. I still think I could do it if I had the proper animals.