Well, being in the profession that I’ve spent the greater part of my life in has led me to, to research the history of the management of animals in captivity, how that has vastly changed from menageries to institutions that- From privately held menageries, which is where it all started, and these were turned into the public, given back to the public in many cases. They became some of our early zoos like Schönbrunn in Austria. And as these institutions developed, and after a while, a certain population in a city, it had deserved to have a zoological park or a zoo. And not even a zoological park. It seemed like it was a population of over a couple of hundred thousand, before you know it, they were thinking zoo or an animal exhibit. Some of them were single animal exhibits. And that evolved and later it became, we became more public institutions and city-wide and countrywide. And then eventually we ran in, by not our own doing, but a sign of the times, we became very important repositories for highly endangered animals.