I think Edward Wilson said it best when they asked Ed Wilson at a lecture at the Cincinnati Zoo, how we can deal with environmental problems, and his answer was educate, educate, educate. And I think that’s what you have to do with politicians. You have to bring politicians into your fold, bring them into the institutions, show them the problems of the institution, invite them over for lunch, invite them to zoo events. Not all of them will come, but occasionally you’ll get a person, and then once you’ve got that friend and he can make open doors and help. We’ve done that both in Los Angeles and Cincinnati. Give me an example of how you, that brings to your mind of how you did it. Well, we have a three man city council and we had one councilman that I was able to bring into the zoo, and he helped us obviously when we were having problems with other councilmen when they didn’t want the zoo to receive any tax dollars. So he was able to explain to them why the zoo needed it, how much they contributed to the community, viably, economically.