The way I was able to fund the Sumatran rhino project is, a number of years ago, and it didn’t, it took the board a few years to catch on to me in this area, but they eventually caught me. I said that I would not expect any money for the purchase of animals, but any animal that was sold, money went into an animal purchase fund. Well, of course, lo and behold, we developed some white tigers from the National Zoo and those animals were commanding and were in demand, it because they were great at the gate. They turned the turnstiles in our zoo, especially, and then others who saw that. So I was able to sell a number of white tigers, and those monies, which were consideRabble amount of money, went into a fund and that fund couldn’t touched for any other purpose. And that’s how we were able to get engaged in- You know, with the larger zoos, like New York and Los Angeles and San Diego, we were able to join them. I could not have done it by taking it out of a normal budget process. So it was money that was salted away from animals that were- And other animals that we were, we were very successful in Cincinnati in breeding.