So, and we know definitely that in studies that have been done in Africa and programs that have been worked in Africa, if you can get a local community involved and somehow benefit from those national parks, as an example, those national parks will be protected. But you can’t tell somebody that’s got a hungry belly, that’s got kids that are starving to conserve, hey, let’s conserve those animals. So if we don’t start looking at the broader picture, as I feel, all our little programs are really for naught. I mean, we’ve got to somehow- And look at what the zoos have. They have a collective audience, they have a more sophisticated audience than they ever had before, a well-educated audience. If we could somehow get our messages across collectively, I think all these little individual programs that everybody has, their little favorite programs of saving the Winnie bird here and doing that, these are all well and fine, but they’re missing the big picture. And if they don’t get their handle on the big picture, we’re gonna lose it all anyway. It’s that simple.