There were a number of people- Fred Z. Hanalar. The person that ran the zoo before Bill Hoff was a gentleman by the name of Jack Huser and Fred Z. Hanalar had a lot to do with Jack Huser. And Jack apparently was driven by- The board was, it was a very strong board and it was a bunch of old gentlemen that appointed themselves and they were appointed for life. There was no rotation of the board. And I remember, just to give you an example of the quality of the board, some of the board members, there was a gentleman by the name of Eugene Zackman, and he was virtually legally blind and his wife couldn’t drive, but he wanted to get to a board meeting, so he would drive and she would point the way. And often he would get lost out in the zoo grounds. I mean, a lot of my board members, I’d have to go out in zoo grounds and retrieve them. So eventually those things changed as time went on, but it was good experience.