Well, zoological collections in 2016, continue to shrink and they continue to shrink because zoos by and large don’t do as good a job as they could managing some species in captivity. The collections will continue to shrink because animals from the wild no longer will come into a captive environment unless it’s under a stringent set of circumstances. If the animals from the wild are needed, for instance, to improve the genetics, so the gene base of a particular group of animals or animals that are destined to be killed or euthanized in the wild because there are too many of them can be brought into captivity. And in a sense, be rehabilitated, be incorporated into zoo programs. About the long-term outlook for zoos, for zoos in terms of their collections, is, is there will be far fewer species of animals exhibited and interpreted within regardless of the size of the zoo, simply because we don’t have the space, we don’t have the availability of the animals and our goals have changed.