Zoo animals are probably better off in 2016 than they were in 1967 for a number of reasons. We know more about them. We’re better able to meet their nutritional needs. Veterinary medicine has advanced, we’ve had the insight of behavioral studies and we’ve learned that animals need to be occupied. And so beginning with landscape immersion, in a sense, staging the animal in a setting that’s appropriate to it, which allows you to tell a storyline, to enrichment has definitely improved the animals lives both in the setting that they’re shown in, as well as the activities that we give them to do, which mimics or duplicates what they might be doing in nature, in terms of gathering bedding, in terms of the ability to climb, in the ability to food search. That being said, I think you can go crazy enriching animals in an inappropriate way. And it still drives me to distraction when I continue to visit zoos and I see all kinds of what I would call roadside refuse in animal cages, that’s intended for them as activity. And it, I think it takes, it cheapens the animal.