I, at the time of the appointment, I don’t know whether I was relieved or disappointed. And I say that honestly, on one hand, I thought I deserved to be the director of the zoo because I had invested 25 years or so of my life in the institution. And so I deserved serious consideration. I was taken aback somewhat by his appointment, but it didn’t surprise me because he had a different relationship with Les Fisher, especially with Les Fisher than any of the rest of us did. And I don’t think it made any difference to me at all, who was in the helm. I was happy doing what I was doing, what turned me, I mean, what made me say, “This is not good. I got to get outta here,” was when the new personnel manager came on and she, and I would sit in sessions with employees that I know knew firsthand, knew their children, had watched them growing up. I had cried with them, had laughed with them, had worked alongside of them, or unceremoniously dismissed, not through any fault of their own, but purely as an economy, our needs are different today, your services are no longer needed here.