we’re gonna be doing this. It’s interesting, I think for me, no single project stands out as the project I wanted to put my thumb print on or to put my fingerprint on. I was more interested in updating, modernizing facilities, modernizing the holding the exhibit and the holding space for animals and modernizing what the animal caregivers, the animal keepers had in terms of their support facilities, as well as those things that were important to them. Did, during this time you were still involved with the keeper staff, working with the curatorial staff who was there, were there union issues and concerns that affected the development of the zoo or limitations or things that were moved at positively forward within the scope of a union and keepers working in union ever strike. I don’t remember, I don’t ever remember a strike. I mean, that could be a matter of our time and distance. I know we were sensitive to the union. We were sensitive in a sense that we didn’t do anything.