And I remember saying to him, with or without your help, I’m going to do everything that I can to assume that position, and I did. I did, and it was probably one of the most rewarding times of my life, and I don’t think he ever forgave me for it. I mean, even to this day, and I don’t understand why, because he never explained himself. And I always felt that it was in somehow, he conceived it as a threat, and I, you know, people who know me know that I am the least encountering person that you know in terms of threats, that I just like to get along and go along. But that was important to me because I had launched for the association, the species survival plan. I was very active in the national and international conservation arena outside of the zoo, as well as inside the zoo. It was a time of tremendous opportunity in terms of interaction with federal agencies. And I think, you know, jealousy would be too strong a word to use, but there definitely was a, I had crossed the line and I clearly had threatened something, whatever that threat was, but I’m not sorry I did it.