That’s not part of our job description.” I said fine, I said, “But I think we ought to take her.” And they said, “Well, you can’t do that without calling the assistant director.” I said, “Okay, I can do that, but we’re gonna take it. So get ready guys.” So I called Jean at home, got him. And he said to me, and I told him my story. And he said, “Here’s some advice for you, kid, don’t ever call me again when I’m on call on the weekend, do what you want to do.” So I get off the phone and said, I guess I can do what I wanna do. So the boys and I, I said, “Okay, you would distract the mother, and well, I’ll grab the baby.” And we went in the outdoor pen in the old antelope zebra area and grabbed the baby and pulled it inside. And then I didn’t know anything about raising a baby camel got a Coke bottle, got it to a lamb’s nipple, got some canned milk and water made an appropriate dilution. The baby began to nurse, all was well with the world. And then the second thing happened, somebody called the press.