I had an exceptional amount of freedom. I mean, any errors that I made were mine to make, I was essentially given a free hand with everything, from record keeping, to diets, to the management of a collection, to a more limited extent to who worked where and when, which was George’s realm. And I just dove into it. I mean, completely dove into it as an example of the degree of freedom my first weekend earned. There was a camel born, a dromedary, it was the first dromedary to be born at the zoo in a long time. The senior staff member on call, there was always one on the grounds, and one on call and the senior staff member on call was Jean Harts, his assistant director. And so the camel’s born, I looked at the mother and I said, she’s got mastitis. I know she’s got mastitis, I’ve seen mastitis before, the baby was trying to nurse, the mother was kicking the baby.