Les Fisher’s management style was pretty much what Les Fisher’s life has always been, easygoing, friendly, outgoing, everybody’s buddy, don’t make waves under any circumstances, do whatever needs to be done, but do it in a politically correct way. His number two, Jean Harts, was essentially in charge of the zoo and the personnel and the collection. He was the person who acquired animals. He was the person who sold or traded or declared animals surplus. He was essentially the man in charge of the interior of the zoo, while Les was right up until the very end, the external force of the zoo. He was the person that, he was the person that everybody thought about when they thought about Lincoln Park Zoo after Merlin Perkins. Were there any major issues or things that you saw that the zoo was facing when you first came there as well, as just, or as you moved through your responsibilities as well I guess. I think the only evolution that took place from a personnel standpoint, was that we made a conscious effort.