I had done just about everything that I could possibly do at the university in terms of procedures and learning and perfecting surgical techniques and learning how to take care of animals. And I knew that I was being directed or driven to use the skills that I had in an animal-related job. And the first thing that I thought of, we thought of it was okay, let’s if, if that’s what it’s gonna take, let’s find a job in a zoo. But the Academia didn’t call you at that time to be- Academia didn’t call me at the time. I made some very good friends and in fact, they’re still dear friends during that time that were, that were my either advisors or professors who encouraged me to do, to look further into the animal world about no Academics was not even an option, because I had just struggled through my bachelor’s degree. What was your next move once you had made this decision how did that kind of come about. Well, beginning in about 1965, I wrote a series of letters to every major zoo or aquarium institution or wildlife center or wildlife park that I could think of, looking for an available position. And I didn’t care what it was, I wanted to work at a zoo and it didn’t necessarily have to be a staff position.