My career path is really kind of interesting. When I got out of high school, I can remember this vividly, I was planning on spending my entire salary just loafing after four years of education and my parents made it abundantly clear to me that I needed to go get a full-time job, something different than working at the corner Italian grocery store. I had to generate some funding if I was gonna live at home. And so I searched and searched and searched, and I actually interviewed at a general hospital and I was very proud when I came home and I could still remember this day, I was very proud that I came home with a full-time job. And my first paid full-time job in life was as a morgue attendant at Rochester General Hospital. And I can remember announcing as mom was getting dinner ready, that I was the new diener, so to speak, in the morgue in the hospital. And she flat out passed out and literally my dad had to catch her before she hit the floor, because she couldn’t imagine anybody would take a job like that. So after high school, you didn’t have college thoughts.