I was willing to listen to any opinion, as long as it was presented to me and occasionally I had changed my mind. They could convince me I was wrong, or they could convince me that the way they wanted to do it was better than the way I wanted to do it because I was totally fluid about how something got done, as long as it got done right and properly and if somebody said that going from X to Y was better than going from X to Z, fine. So, I was a team member. I looked at myself as a working member of the team because I was always working. I mean, I wasn’t waving my finger pointing at people going, “You do this and you do that.” Indeed, if I had to do much of that, they had to leave because I really didn’t wanna follow them around and point. I wanted to walk in and go, “God, that’s gorgeous. You did a great job.” And so, that’s the kind of director I was, whether it was good or bad, I knew it worked for me.