So, I just got up one morning, said, “Okay, I’m gonna just do some stock selection and see if I can’t,” and in the cat fancy unlike like the dog fancy, the International Cat Association, if you follow their guidelines and it’s very, I mean, there’s a whole ‘nother world out there. They have very strict guidelines on if you wake up one morning and decide you’re gonna create your own breed of cat and you wanna be taken halfway serious about it, or more than halfway serious, you have to follow these guidelines and it takes years to follow these guidelines as it should. And I thought this is gonna take forever. I said, “Well, I’m gonna be around forever, okay.” So, I just started creating my own breed of cat following their guidelines and now it’s an accepted breed and it’s showable and they’re still not what I envisioned because it’s working with genes and you’re painting with genes, you’re creating with genes, and so every litter comes out and you get not quite what you want, but you get a little closer, and it’s the genetics of it and trying to make it happen. If I can select healthy, pleasant individuals who carry the right phenotype to do what I wanna do and keep puttin’ it together.