So, I just got fascinated by the fact that it was happening. And so, that led me into getting some and playing with it and just playing with the genes of cat genes and trying to create, which in turn led me to meet a lady that was hybridizing servals and domestic cats. And while I understood what she was doing and found it fascinating, I also felt like the product of that wasn’t anything I wasn’t convinced should be in the general public’s hands ’cause they can be quite different, but I always liked servals. I liked the tall leggy dogs, other than now I have Doxens but I always had Sighthounds and Scottish Deer Hounds. I had dogs with long legs, and so I liked servals. And we had ’em at the zoo. I liked ’em. So I thought, “Well, I could create a little domestic size cat that’s kind of built like a serval, kinda has some of the attributes that I find I like in servals with big ears and spots and, but totally domestic.