Well, I think the same frustration anybody feels in that kind of a job which is that there’s always more to do than you have money to do it, always. It’s endless. It never stops. The day it stops you’re probably not doing your job right. So, at some level, though, that gets exhausting because you know that you’ve got, the next thing you’ve got to do, or even just a bad year, you’re not even trying to do anything new, it’s just a bad year, bad weather, too many rainy days on the wrong days and you know you’re in trouble and it’s just, it’s the same battle. I always used to say, it’s just pushing the elephant up the hill. Sometimes is not always the same elephant, it’s not always the same hill, but there’s always this elephant you have to push up a hill. And particularly in, I mean, I think more people are aware of the financial burdens of keeping a facility afloat now than they were when I first started because most of this is when I first started, the guys were handed their budgets by the parks.