I mean, we went just all kinds of places and I didn’t, I just let them, I didn’t make it like, “You’re coming here to see this.” I just, we’re just going and we’d be walking around and we’d just start looking at things and I’d go, and notice how many restrooms they’ve got around here, and we just kind of talk about things just, it was almost like we were just visitors to the zoo without a real purpose ’cause I didn’t want ’em to feel like I was gonna feed them something that then I was expecting them to regurgitate. I just wanted them to really start thinking about what we were doing, and that was pretty well received by that group, and then we built the first visual master plan of the whole place within that group sprinkled holy water on it because they were sort of part of it. I have a saying that I use to today on boards that I sit on and boards that I work for and which is, I try desperately if I have an idea to not expose the idea very much until I have everybody on the train. I want everybody on the train when it leaves the station, ’cause you don’t wanna leave anybody behind and then they’re feeling bad or they’re trying to catch up. So, it’s best you do a lot of setting of seeds and a lot of sprinkling and can watering before expect anything to grow. And at best, you get everybody on the train before you start to move it somewhere. And it takes a lot of time at that end, but it saves a lot of time at the other end, awful lot of time.