Because it was pretty much a daily occurrence and I’d even go out on calls, people. I had one guy had a rattlesnake in his pool down the road and he was afraid to go outside ’cause it was in his pool. And so he called me up and he said, “There’s a rattlesnake in my pool. Can you come and get it out of my pool?” “Okay.” I drove over and got the rattle, and it was funny ’cause I got there and then I was out with my snake hook and he says, “What are you doing?” I said, “Well, I’m going out to get the rattlesnake. Isn’t that what you called me for?” He said, “You’re gonna go out there?” I’m like, “Well, either (laughs) I drove all the way over here because you wanted the rattlesnake out of your pool, so I have to go out to your pool, don’t I?” And I had the same thing with the church down the street. There was a big rattlesnake coiled up on their doorstep, on the front of the church one Sunday morning and services could not begin. So, I drove down the church and removed the rattlesnake. So, did you had a policy then, maybe still do, we accept it all?” In theory, we still accept it all.