I’ve never seen a hospital in a zoo.” And I go, “Yes, Ma’am. Any professional zoo has got to have a hospital.” “Oh!” I think the public still to this day thinks all we do is keep these animals and throw them a bale hay once in awhile, because our hospitals have always been on the backside of the zoo. And I couldn’t afford to build a hospital on the backside of the zoo because no donor would have given me a hospital that nobody could have seen. So, I had to put it on the front and I couldn’t put it on the front and not open it and let people see what we do. And it was one of the biggest positives for the zoo business and for Living Desert, that we had this beautiful hospital dedicated towards taking care of the animals in our care. None of the rest of the zoo guys and gals, including myself, had ever thought about the fact that our visitor never thought about the fact that we had such a thing, that we actually cared that much to have a hospital. And it was just, it was like a shocking revelation to me because I’d completely missed that point the whole time. I just assumed people thought and knew that somehow we did our best to care for all these animals that we had.