Their concern with the animals is they thought that if we did an animal collection, if we became a zoo that, that they didn’t want to become a zoo because they all had the same vision of growing up with zoos that people had at that point in time, which is just a whole collection of animals that would take a lot of care and a lot of facilities and so forth and so on. So, they didn’t wanna be a zoo. And so they understood the plant part. For some reason, they thought plants were gonna be, they were easier or less expensive to take care of than animals, which was not necessarily the case, but it seemed safer to them than, and they let me know that without them realizing that they were letting me know, because I never asked ’em. I just kept my ear to the ground about, when I would talk about different possibilities quietly without any great sense of urgency. They would say things like, “Well, we’ll never do that. That sounds like a zoo and I’d go, “Okay. Yeah, sure.” And so, but we started with plants and we never ever backed away from that because I really think they’re essential to the story of deserts of the world to the whole ecosystem ’cause our park is designed to introduce people to desert to that environment, to what creates it, what can live on it, whether it’s a plant or an animal.