Well, in California because we were in an agricultural area, there were a lot of legalities. So, a lot of material that we got, I would work with the various botanical gardens in California, where the material was already in the state, but we did and for a lot of our California gardens, we got permits to actually collect material and transplant it and build the gardens. But we took about four years to get permits, to bring plants up from Mexico to do our Baja gardens and our Sonoran gardens. And even some of those plants, I was able to work with botanical gardens and get seed stock from botanical gardens to start the gardens. So, it was always a challenge because we were just down, literally a few miles from us was the largest date. I mean, we were the date hub of North America for growing dates and a lot of truck farming and so forth. So, that department was always pretty careful. And still to this day, watches our plant material pretty carefully.