To this day you can be an owner/builder in California. You don’t have to have a general contractor. And so, I just learned to be an owner/builder. And so we could build stuff that a lot of people couldn’t have afforded if they’d just done it the traditional way, which is go out, gets bids, have some general contractor come in and do it. I would call, if I needed a block wall built, I’d call the block wall guys and go, “Okay, how much is it gonna cost to do this wall?” And if I needed a building built, I had an architect that would work pro bono for us, and he would draw the drawings and then I would go to the electrician and be, “Okay, how much is the wire?” I just wound up being an owner/builder ’cause I could get things done cheaper. Again, well, turn the water into wine. Were you for this coyote exhibit, as an example, did you have the money in place before you did it or were you building it- No, I had to have the money in place. So, I had to come up with a design and I drew the designs and anything I could draw designs for as opposed to paying an architect, I would draw ’em.