And then once I got all the pieces in order, then we’d take it to the board and go, okay, on the master plan, this is the next thing, and Karen says it’s gonna cost us this, and we think we can get the money here and the board would go, “As long as you get the money, okay.” Give me an example. Coyote exhibit was probably the first… Well, yeah, it was the first large animal exhibit if you can imagine a coyote being a large animal, but in the desert, that’s a large animal. And I put it way across at the other end of the park and there was nothing in between except some nature trails. And some of the board members were like, “If you’re gonna put in a new exhibit for coyotes, why don’t you put it up close to the buildings?” ‘Cause in their minds it was, we had all this acreage but, and I said, “Well, no, coyotes need certain kind of behave, and they’ll be fine, it’ll be fine.” And people can walk out there to see ’em and… But I had to figure out how to build it and I never had a general contractor. I just decided that to this day, if I need to get it done, somehow I’ll get it done. And you can be an owner/builder.