He had leased the property in 1968, I believe, but they were looking for somebody, they started looking for somebody to actually work there and put enough money together to hire somebody in 1969. So, I was being interviewed in the end of 1969, and I was hired in March of 1970. And that’s what led to the trip is I said, “Well, I would like to spend the next few months looking at facilities, looking at everything from national park facilities, to zoos, to nature centers, to natural history museums. I just wanna go out and see what’s out there. And so, they gave me $800 and said, “Don’t spend it all on the same time,” and I lived in my car and you can go a long way with $800 if you were living in your car at that point in time. And I visited and I kept notes and took photographs of… Never ventured any further east than Eastern Arizona. So, mostly it was Arizona and Utah and places like that that were more desert-y.