And they had a trailer just a little long, 25 foot long, eight foot wide old travel trailer that I lived in during the weekends at the southern entrance of Joshua Tree. They had two, three residences out there, stick-built residences for the permanent staff, and two rangers and a maintenance man, ’cause this was, there was nothing. We didn’t have telephones. We didn’t have electricity other than a generator to power all of this because we were sittin’ in the middle of nowhere in the desert. But, so I had the trailer on the weekends. So, I did a little bit of everything. I mean, basically I was hired as an interpreter, but I also did patrols and so between doing campfire talks at night and leading nature walks, and then doing patrols and it was, yeah, it was an interesting life and I met a lot of other rangers over time and I met mostly guys, young guys that were trying to get in full-time or who were permanent seasonals, and they just went to different parks at different times of the year. One guy would spend his summers at Denali and his winters that Oregon Pipe, and he just moved to wherever the park service sent him.