That kids, if you got them out, after the first couple of days of sort of complaining that they didn’t have, of course the kids didn’t have then what we have now for kids anyway. I mean, mostly they would miss their TVs or goin’ to the movies because there was certainly weren’t computers and all that stuff. But once you got ’em out in there and got ’em into the swing of things, their whole requirement’s changed. I mean, the mugs that they were drinkin’ there didn’t have to be as perfectly cleaned as they were at home, and that they could actually put up a tent and enjoy it and this and that. So, they’re pretty malleable, even as junior high students. And of course these were kids whose parents cared enough to do this kind of thing for ’em as well. I mean, we didn’t do it for free. It wasn’t a lot of money, but probably was at that point for those parents.