Well, my next move was the day of my last final exam, which was in the winter. I didn’t like school. I never liked school. I didn’t like high school and I didn’t particularly like college. They were just things that I had to do in order to be a productive member of society and to be able to work. So, I got out of high school in three years and I got out of college in three and a half years ’cause it took me an extra half year because of the major change. So, I was 19 and a half when I finished college and I was graduating in the middle in December, and it was doing what it always does in Chicago in December, it was snowing. So, I didn’t wait for the graduation ceremony when I had my last class and my last final and I knew it was done, the car was packed and I drove to California and I had enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Redlands in what would today be called, well, either conservation biology or something like that, but at the time it didn’t exist as a title.