Well, I mean, a lot of the babies that I helped raise in the nursery gave me wonderful experiences, and bottle raising things and watching them grow up and having some satisfaction that I helped these little creatures grow and we’d have a lot of fun. I also remember thinking I’d been killed by Frank, the baby gorilla, ’cause he decked me one day in the nursery, right onto that terrazzo floor. And I thought I was dead and he thought I was dead. He thought he’d killed his mother. And he was screaming and I’m laid out on the floor and the public is looking at me and they’re thinking, “Is she really okay?” And I’m laying there thinking, “I have to get off this floor. I have to find out if I can even move.” And so, I’ve fond memories of a lot of the little critters that we raised, and then pranks we would play on each other, occasionally. Eddie was a good prankster and- Give me a prank you remember. Eddie froze a…