I mean… I imagine the first life lesson that I learned, which didn’t seem to be much of a lesson at the time, but I guess it might’ve been, is that these animals are totally dependent on us. And so, doing a good job, making sure they’re properly cared for, noticing whether they’re sick, ’cause these were big breeding kennels, a big Doberman Pincher and Great Dane kennel in one case. And then in my later, last couple of years at the college, an Italian Greyhound and Whippet kennel. Well, I actually lived onsite. And you had to learn to look at those animals and see if they were all right, because they weren’t under feet like our pet dogs. These were kennel dogs and keeping them really clean and keeping, being aware of their temperaments, being aware of whether they looked a little off that day. So, I learned pretty quick.