Yes. Because I was exercising Saddlebreds, when I went to Loyola and entered Loyola, I had to meet with a counselor to look at my current credits, and I also had to convince the powers that be at Loyola that I could only take morning classes ’cause I had to work in the afternoons and evenings. Otherwise I couldn’t be there ’cause I had to put myself through school. And so, I met with this Jesuit priest about my class schedule and he said, “What do you want to do for physical education classes?” And I said, “Well, frankly, I try never to take any ’cause I don’t have the time.” And he said, “Well,” he said, “But what do you enjoy doing?” And I said, “Well, I ride horses.” And he said, “I would love to give horseback riding as a class at Loyola.” He said, “Would you do that?” And I kinda looked at him blankly and I said, “Well, what do you mean would I do that?” And he said, “Well, if we can arrange it, and we can find a stable, could you teach horseback riding and you’ll get your college credit?” And I said, “Well, yeah, I guess so.” So, we went down off of Cannon Street and there was this old stable in this three story building, and so three times a week I would teach horseback riding, which, and when I was waiting often between my last school class down at the Water Tower and out there, I’d just hang out in the lion house and stay warm and get to know the keeper staff. And eventually they said, “Well, if you need a job, you ought to try workin’ around here.” Well, I got a volunteer job. We’re gonna get back to that in a second. that’s how I wound up teaching horseback riding for Loyola. Now, you mentioned the kennel, that you were working in a kennel.