And if I’d have just shut up and stuck to the scientific name, we’d have been all right. But foolishly, I said, well, I know some people call them Barbary sheep. Well, that was a dumb thing to do because they just had a big scabies scare in Canada with sheep. And the minute I said sheep, why, things got really difficult. So we ended up going back to the, to the Buffalo’s Zoo. Clayton called his Department of Agriculture vet, who then came in with a, with a gallon of chlordane sheep dip and some, you know, and the certificates. And we ended up pulling that bloomin’ aoudad out of a crate. It’s about a 300 pound male aoudad, stuffed him backwards into a 55 gallon barrel, filled the barrels full of chlordane sheep dip and poured it over his horns and scrubbed his horns and the head down.